In December, high volatility in global markets kept investors away and Q4 2018 was the weakest quarter since 2016, with 2018 inflows falling by a third year-on-year.
Some of the key highlights from this month’s FFI:
- The FFI fell to 50.1 in December, the lowest since October 2016
- Q4 2018 was the weakest quarter since 2016, and 2018 inflows fell by a third year-on-year
- Inflows for December 2018 saw a decline of 99% compared with December 2016 and 2017, when markets were more stable
- In December, all major asset classes except mixed asset saw fund outflows; property was especially weak
- Equity inflows were balanced by outflows, but there were big differences between equity fund categories
- December trading volumes were relatively low, even after accounting for seasonality
To read further insights from the FFI, please click through this link