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Fund Flow Index
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2018 sees fund inflows fall by a third, with December the worst month since October 2016
A look at global fund flows - measuring investor sentiment
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Active equity funds and property were the big losers in 2019, suffering unprecedented outflows, while passive funds were the big winners
Active equity funds suffer worst ever outflows in Q3, beaten hands down by index funds, and investors continue flight to safety
Active funds ride the post-vaccine wave while appetite for index funds slows
Asia webinar recording: Ensuring Business Continuity
Asia’s digital leadership – Securing a share of Asia’s growing investment flows is vital so where should firms be looking to set themselves up for the future?
Asset Servicers
Australian investors pump billions into equity funds as hopes rise for an end to the pandemic
Australians plough record new capital into funds in the third quarter
Automated and digital trading for robo-advisors
Brexit deal drives flurry of optimism among investors, but sentiment remained fragile in October
Brexit deal drives flurry of optimism among investors, but sentiment remained fragile in October
Buyers of equity funds sit on their hands for fourth month, but UK-focused funds buck the trend
Calastone 10 year anniversary video
Calastone Asia
Calastone at Fund Forum 2022
Calastone at Fund Forum 2022
Calastone Connect Forum Hong Kong 2019, presentation slides
Calastone Connect Forum Hong Kong 2023, presentation slides
Calastone Connect Forum London 2022
Calastone Connect Forum London 2022, presentation slides
Calastone Connect Forum London 2023, presentation slides
Calastone Connect Forum London 2024, presentation slides
Calastone Connect Forum Luxembourg 2022, presentation slides
Calastone Connect Forum Luxembourg 2023, presentation slides
Calastone Connect Forum Singapore 2019, presentation slides
Calastone Connect Forum Singapore 2022, presentation slides
Calastone Connect Forum Singapore 2023, presentation slides
Calastone Connect Forum Singapore 2024, presentation slides
Calastone Connect Forum Sydney 2022, presentation slides
Calastone Connect Forum Sydney 2023, presentation slides
Calastone COVID-19 Update
Calastone CTO discusses DMI Fund Services and its impact on the industry
Calastone Digital Investments
Calastone Digital Investments demo site
Calastone DMI Introduction and Demo - webinar recording
Calastone DMI Introduction and Demo (Australia–New Zealand) – webinar recording
Calastone in Taiwan
Calastone in Thailand
Calastone Money Market Services for corporates
Calastone Network - Brazil
Calastone Operations Team
Calastone Partnership Programme
Calastone product update
Calastone Reporting - Webinar Recording
Calastone Settlements - Making an operational difference
Calastone Settlements – Changing operational economics
Calastone Settlements Australia - Making an operational difference
Calastone Settlements for Australia
Calastone Thailand
Calastone Transaction Services Webinar Recording
Calastone Transfers - One Year On - Webinar Recording
Calastone Transfers Webinar Recording
Calastone Wrap Reporting
Calastone 亞洲網頁
Calastone 於臺灣推出 CDSC 解決方案,為B股基金帶來自動化新體驗
Calastone's impact on the money market fund investment process
Cash-rich Australian investors ploughed record new capital into managed funds in 2021
CDSC Introduction
Celebrating 10 years in Australia
Challenging the digital status quo: Practical steps to delivering business transformation using new technologies
Client support whilst working remotely
Asset Servicers
Fund Managers
Connect Forum briefing recording: The opportunity of blockchain for funds
Connect Forum Online 2020 - Computer Aid
Connect Forum Taiwan, 2023 Presentation materials 研討會簡報內容
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Contingent Deferred Sales Charge (CDSC)
Contingent Deferred Sales Charge (CDSC)
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Coronavirus crash prompts record flood of fund outflows in the last five days of February
COVID-19 crushes mutual funds causing record outflows and a bond rout, while passive funds see unprecedented inflows
December 2019 sees largest ever inflow into UK equity funds thanks to Conservative Party’s landslide election victory
Digitalising the Super Funds Industry
Distributed Market Infrastructure - Demos
Distribution state-of-the-nation webinar recording
Dividends Introduction
DMI introduction briefing - London event recording
DMI introduction briefing recording
DMI Introductory Briefing Highlights
Equity fund flows hit as coronavirus saps confidence
Equity fund inflows picked up in September, but investors are nervous
Equity funds saw strong inflows in early May, though confidence switched to caution as the month went on
Equity funds see record inflows as investors target vaccine hotspots in high hopes for post-pandemic boom
ESG Fund Inflows Boom in Australia in 2021
ESG funds accounted for 90% of inflows in July as the ESG gold rush saw its second-best month on record
ETF Servicing
ETF Servicing introduction video
FFI Special Report: Bond markets floating on central bank liquidity attract risk-averse investors to fixed income funds
FFI Special Report: Bond markets floating on central bank liquidity attract risk-averse investors to fixed income funds
FinTech for Asset Management - webinar recording
Fund Distribution in Asia - Webinar recording and slides
Fund Flow Index - August 2019
Fund Flow Index - February 2019
Fund Flow Index - June 2019
Fund Flow Index - Methodology
Fund Flow Index - October 2019
Fund flow insights from the Calastone network: Investor sentiment across Australia and the world
Fund flows turn positive in January, but underlying trend is weak with ongoing uncertainty directing £57bn of funds offshore
Fund inflows bounce back in November, but investors are skittish
Fund Managers
Fund Services
Fund Services
Funds 2030: The Next Generation of Investment Management
Future investment models, collective investments and the opportunity provided by tokenisation
Global ESG funds see highest inflows on record, giving hope for active managers as equity funds overall suffer outflows in July
Global investor trends into 2022
Highlights - DMI Introductory Briefing
IMpower incorporating Fund Forum 2024, stand presentation slides
IMpower incorporating Fund Forum 2024, stand presentation slides
In person with Goldman Sachs – Enhancing treasurers cash investing capabilities with real time solutions
Index funds celebrate record inflows, while active managers suffer record outflows
Index funds celebrate record inflows, while active managers suffer record outflows
Industry leaders panel: What does it take to be future ready?
Inflows into bonds rise as risk-averse investors shun equities for safer investments
Inflows to equity funds hit record high in April as investors bought into the market rally
Introducing Calastone Share Class Conversions
Introducing CDSC
Investors dismiss Omicron risk in December, pushing full-year equity inflows to record levels for 2021
Investors give thumbs down to equity funds as Omicron bursts on to the scene
Investors rush for the exit as no-deal Brexit looms, while offshore havens see strong inflows
Investors sell out of equity funds for the first time in over two years
ISA season sees record inflows for equity funds
January blues cause investors to shun equity funds as surging coronavirus pandemic prompts tighter curbs around the world
June sees highest ever outflows on record for UK equity funds as investors cash in profits following rally in the stock markets
Lockdown and Brexit brinkmanship punish UK-focused funds
Lockdown nerves cool Australian appetite for domestic equity funds
London event recording - DMI
Looking towards 2019: Key events to shape the European funds industry
Making a Difference
Modern Slavery Statement
Money market funds and the treasury landscape
Money Market Services - Demo
Money Market Services Introduction
Mutual Funds
On Demand Webinar: Fund transfers – you only get one chance to make the right first impression
Order Routing & Settlements Introduction
Order Routing 2
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Panel: A brave new digital world - New technologies are speeding up how firms deliver change and enable better investor experiences
Panel: Building an efficient and flexible foundation for the entire funds industry
Panel: Challenging the here and now and imagining utopia – How the industry sees its own evolution
Panel: Digital asset strategies are the go to for growth by Asia’s funds industry, but where is the smart money going?
Panel: Fund flow trends in depth – New ideas and ways to capture the hearts and minds of investors
Panel: Future of fund administration (hosted in partnership with Global Custodian)
Panel: In depth analysis - Fund flow trends, investor sentiment and a pandemic
Panel: Investor centricity - Who is best placed to meet the needs of the investor
Panel: Pioneering new delivery models by combining new technologies and strategies
Panel: Risk, Data & Cash Management - Re-tooling for a Resilient Future (Hosted by Treasury Management International)
Panel: The changing face of fund distribution - Evaluating the impact of technology and innovation (Hosted by Funds Global)
Panel: To remain relevant, firms must embrace the new. But what haven't fund firms grasped as digitalisation and new technologies takes hold of the industry?
Panel: Why ETFs should be in your investment policy – Together with tokenised funds
Passive funds see their worst month of outflows on record
Platforms/ Distributors
Plunging investor confidence pushes August fund flows to near three-year lows, and both equity and property funds see strong outflows
Practical steps for Australia’s investment management community to deliver business transformation using new technologies
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Record inflows to equity funds in Q2 2021, though investors are starting to show signs of nervousness
Report a security vulnerability
Reporting Introduction
Resurgent Brexit jitters and economic hit from Covid-19 cause unmatched outflows from UK equity funds
Rising global risks cause investor flight to safety, but UK equity funds buck the trend
Roadmap to 2030: Pioneering Tokenisation and Digital Investment
Season's Greetings from Calastone
Shaping the future: Expert insights on the evolution of investment management by 2030
Share Class Conversions
Share Class Conversions ______
Signs of post-pandemic recovery see UK equity funds enjoy inflows for the first time in eight months
Money Market Services
Order Routing
Special report: Brexit drives £62bn offshore as UK fund investors flee to Dublin and Luxembourg
Spread of Delta variant dampened enthusiasm for UK equities in May though overall fund inflows elsewhere remained near record levels
Supported Browsers
Surging inflation and the outbreak of war in Europe prompt sharp shift in fund flows
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The future of investing
The future of investing
The Future of Platforms
The next normal society - Investing in ‘deep futures’ by moving from short-termism to long-term thinking
Tidal Forces – Can active funds fight the passive flows in Asia?
Tokenisation - The next generation of investing
Tokenisation: Unlocking Digital Investments and New Distribution Opportunities
Trade Notification Introduction
Trade Notification Introduction
Transfers Introduction
TrustArc Test Page
UK general election campaign drives strong inflows to UK equity funds, but Labour manifesto spooked investors
UK-focused funds hit with record outflows in January as buyers go on strike
UK’s September turmoil sparks flight from UK equity funds as outflows hit second-worst month on record
Vaccine news drives huge inflows to equity funds as investor appetite for risk soars
Vaccine optimism sees equity fund inflows surge to 5-year high in Q4
Webinar on-demand: Insights into the New Generation of Investor
Webinar recording - Why could new technologies change the industry sooner than we think?
Webinar recording and presentation slides: The impact of technology and regulation for funds
Webinar recording and presentation slides: The impact of technology on investment funds 2019
Webinar recording: Calastone and Microsoft discuss their new partnership and implications for the industry
Webinar recording: Ensuring Business Continuity
Webinar recording: Ensuring Business Continuity, Europe
Webinar: Calastone Order Routing and Settlements made easy
Webinar: Calastone Reporting made easy
Webinar: Calastone Transfers made easy
Webinar: In the new Fund Order - What does the investor want?
Webinar: Inclusive, digital investment futures that can change world techonomics
Webinar: Money Market Services for corporates
Webinar: Money Market Services for fund providers and portals
Webinar: Uncertainty and innovation are best friends – Can we seize the moment to creatively embrace technology and redefine the future
Why Calastone?
Woke British Investors Drive Unprecedented Demand for ESG Funds