Calastone passes millionth message milestone ahead of schedule______

Calastone Limited, the independent cross-border transaction network for the mutual funds industry, today transacted its millionth revenue generating transaction message.

Kevin Lee, Managing Director of Calastone said, “Since launch, we have been successfully signing up domestic and international mutual fund providers, distributors and transfer agents and we continue to witness an exponential increase in the volume of messages transacted. We are delighted to have passed this millionth message milestone ahead of schedule and given the rate of participant sign up are confident that we will reach the second millionth message milestone ahead of expectation.”

Ian Taylor, Chief Operating Officer of Calastone added, “We have recently made some significant investments which will ensure that as we continue to handle more and more domestic and international transactions, Calastone will continue to be both robust and fully scalable. We recently introduced a new primary data centre and are satisfied that we are well positioned to handle future transaction and message flow and that we have robust business continuity plans to handle any future events.”

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